Ryan Hignell

Ryan Hignell


Deadlift: 525

Squat: 430

Snatch: 300

Fran: 2.08


CrossFit Level 1 & 2

USAW Certified Coach

Catalyst Athletics Weightlifting Seminar

OPEX Assessment and Program Design Course

About Coach

I have been in the fitness industry since 2006 and found CrossFit early in 2008. While pursuing a degree at the University of Utah, I began my coaching career. After Graduating in 2012, I moved back to Chico with the ultimate goal of opening my own gym. At first it was in part so I could have a place to workout as I pursued my passion of competing in CrossFit as a sport. Little did I know I would soon fall in love with coaching and creating a community much more than my individual pursuits.  So after almost a decade I decided to hang up my competitive hat to channel all my energy into running North Rim CrossFit. Today, I have the honor of running the gym with my wife who I met at my gym in 2012. These days it’s all about creating a community where we do life together all while getting fit in the most effective fun way possible.

Turning Point

My big turning point was when I switched from being a competitor to a coach / owner. I knew the competitive stuff was going to have to come to an end and I would need to put as much effort into running a gym as I did competiting. That change took me longer than I wanted. I kept finding myself wanting to just further my future and career versus taking a step back and watching other people go before me. It wasn't until 2020 that I finally let that side of me go. It took loosing something to realize fully what I had. And I wouldn't trade it for all the first place finishes in the world.

Motivation & Passion

I feel called to coach. Ever since I was young I found myself enjoying teaching people skills and sports movements. From skateboarding to doing backflips on the trampoline; each year I found myself coaching more and more until it created a career for me.

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