75 Hard

North Rim CrossFit
December 15, 2023

North RIm does 75 Hard!

Starting January 1st, we will be taking on the "75 Hard" challenge as a community. It's a great chance to challenge yourself in the New Year by cultivating discipline and building helpful habits. We're putting our own twist on the challenge with "Health" and "Hardcore" options to choose from to best fit your lifestyle.

Join the fun by signing up using the links below:

Health: https://northrimcrossfit.pushpress.com/landing/events/cal-6ab4e23b-6393-48f0-a578-7073/login

Hardcore: https://northrimcrossfit.pushpress.com/landing/events/cal-5ab3cd3b-452f-42e4-ae1e-d7af/login

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