Bright Spot: Sophie Foster

February 14, 2024
Bright Spot: Sophie Foster



February 14, 2024

Next up for our member Bright Spot is Sophie Foster! Sophie has been so fun to watch as she's become a core part of our community. You can typically catch her staying after class practicing a skill she's determined to master with her gym buddies! Get to know her more below:

How long have you been at North Rim? What brought you here?  

I have been going to North Rim for over two years now! I started with personal training with the wonderful Cherish and the started to consistently going to class once I felt comfortable enough.

How has being at North Rim impacted/improved your life?

North Rim has impacted my life in so many ways. It has given me a community of amazing friends and family. As well as helped me gain confidence in myself that I didn’t know I needed, especially at the age of 18. It also has kept me fit and in control of my asthma which I never thought would be possible. It’s given me a hobby as well.

What are you most proud of accomplishing?

I’m proud of how I have trained my lungs to sustain cardio and hard workouts for long periods of time. I have had severe asthma since I was 4 months old and never grew out of it. Crossfit has helped my asthma improve and I never thought that’d be possible. I can run miles and not be winded at all. I also am proud of how much weight I have gained. Everyone’s goals are different and for me, I struggle to gain weight. I was always unable to gain weight and was always so small and I have gained over 20 pounds since starting crossfit and I also thought that was never going to be possible.

What’s next for you (goal)?

My next goal is to squat over 200 this year. As well as get consistent double unders. I also want to bench a plate. I am so close to all these goals!!! I also want to stay consistent in my healthy habits that I have been sticking to for 75 hard!

Tell us a fun fact about yourself?

A fun fact about me is I’m allergic to my favorite animal which are cats but I still love them and will own one! I don’t have my fun facts hahhaah

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