Healthy Habits Challenge Winner

North Rim CrossFit
November 19, 2023

For the past 4 weeks we've had a solid group of dedicated participants taking on simple challenges each day in hopes of creating positive change in their habits! Some of these challenges included: making your bed, hitting step count targets and drinking more water! Over the course of this challenge we saw our members celebrate small wins and see big improvements in the way they felt! Read some of their own words below:

"I really enojyed this challenge! The thing I am most proud of is the fact that I drank all the water in ounces and felt pretty good and didn't realize how important that is. Made me think more of how much I don't drink water especially when I'm at work for hours" - Dianna Navarro

"I'm pretty sure every day during this challenge I ate breakfast and usually a healthy one so I'm pretty happy about that. I also made my bed more than I think I ever have!" - Nicole Luce

"I signed up for this challenge because I just got over being super sick and felt that it would get me back on track. Which it totally did :) It did make me more aware of my water intake, especially on work days, which I was/am completely lacking on during work. I did enjoy the extra challenge!" - Tiffany Page

And now that our challenge has come to a close we are excited to announce our Healthy Habits champion and winner of 1 month free Nutrition is Rosie Paulson 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

We are so proud of you Rosie!! We loved what She had to say about her experience with our challenge:

“My step count drastically increased after just becoming aware of it. Also, it's easy for me as a middle aged women who is not the athlete I once was to feel defeated. This challenge helped me realize that I've built a life with positive habits and choices slowly and surely, and I'm proud of that.”

We hope all of our participants were proud of the changes they made over the span of this challenge!! And we hope you take these habits into the holidays and the New Year 🙌🏼

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